R.N. & G. Lowin Pty. Ltd.


Lowinsacks stocks a large range of hessian sacks and material for a wide range of applications including engineering, construction, agriculture and uphoslstery. We also stock hessian rolls in a range of fashionable colours.


We now stock calico bags for retail and merchandising sectors.

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Lowinsacks stocks woven polypropylene bags and tubing in a range of sizes.

Jute bags, canvas and webbing.

Pet products

Dog beds and mattresses.


We have moved! - Our phone numbers remain the same.

R.N. & G. Lowin Pty. Ltd.
By appointment only (please call first):
Unit 2/60 Dandenong Street Dandenong, Vic. 3175
(Entrance via Brooklyn Avenue)
Tel: (03) 9417 2583   |  Fax: (03) 9419 7775

E: info@lowin.com.au

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