Qualities that Make Hessian Fabric as the Best Material for Sandbags

October 12, 2018

With all of today’s technology advancements, the ideal solution to prevent flooding from invading and/or destroying your property is a low-tech one, namely the humble sandbag. These bags are easy to fill with sand, and they create a sturdy wall to hold back the rising floodwaters of rivers of other bodies of water. While various materials can be used to make these sandbags, we are here to explain the qualities of Hessian fabric or cloth that makes it the best material for sandbags.

Hessian Fabric Is a Durable, Woven Fabric

Hessian cloth is made by tightly weaving together the fibres of the jute plant. As a result, bags made from this fabric can hold even minute grains of sand securely. You can fill the sandbags with confidence that they will not lose their contents as the water bumps against them.

Sacks Made From Hessian Fabric Are Lightweight and Easy to Fill With Sand

Hessian sacks or bags are lightweight, and easy to haul and handle when empty. Also, the cost of shipping is less due to them being lightweight. They add only a minimal amount of weight to a full sandbag too, which makes them faster to stack in an emergency.

A Cost-Effective Choice

Hessian sandbags are extremely cost-effective in comparison to other sandbags. Even if you need a large amount of them, you can purchase them without seriously depleting your budget.

You Can Customise Hessian Sandbags to Suit Your Needs

Not only can you customise the size of your Hessian sandbags but the cloth that they contain is even printable. If you so desire, you can apply your company logo, name or even a message on the bags. While this is not totally necessary for sandbags, it is still possible.

Hessian Cloth Is Biodegradable

Another reason that Hessian fabric is the best fabric for sandbags is the fact that it is biodegradable. It will slowly decompose into the soil without harming it if left outdoors for a long time. Also, since it is a naturally based fabric, there are no adverse skin reactions for the people who come into contact with Hessian sandbags.

For further details about the qualities that make Hessian fabric the best material for sandbags, consult with Lowinsacks. We are your source for this cloth along with bags made from it. Our company offers a wide assortment of colours as well for your consideration. Upon request, we will work up an accurate quote of all of your needs. Also, remember that in addition to Hessian cloth and sacks, we carry calico, polypropylene, jute and other products.

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