Useful Calico Bags: Why Commercial and Retail Stores Should Get Rid of Plastic Bags

March 30, 2018

Plastic bags have been the ideal choice for packaging since the early 60s, but overtime it has been proven that they aren’t good for the environment. While a lot of people already realise that plastic is non-biodegradable, what they don’t understand is that it takes anywhere from 500 to 1000 years for plastic to be sufficiently broken down. With the current use and accumulation of plastic garbage, the environment cannot break it down fast enough and it poses a drastic threat to wildlife.

According to the Wall Street Journal, 100 billion plastic shopping bags are disposed of annually in just the U. S. alone! One of the contributing factors to so much wastage is the fact that while plastic bags are lightweight, easy to store, and cheap to manufacture. Sadly, they are not very durable or reusable, and, they aren’t exactly aesthetically pleasing enough to merit reuse either.

Thankfully, many chain department stores and independent businesses are now trying to cut down on their reliance on plastic packaging, doing their part by employing alternatives. Aside from the fact that biodegradable plastics are becoming popular, traditional packaging mediums like calico bags are also experiencing a comeback.

There are a lot of advantages to using calico bags rather than plastic bags, and for commercial and retail stores that want to do their part to go green, here are some things to consider:

  • Durability – calico bags are far more durable than plastic bags. Not only are they able to hold up to constant use, they are also surprisingly capable of handling more weight than plastic bags, with almost zero risk of tearing. That means commercial and retail stores are able to stuff more groceries and items into calico bags than they normally would be able to with a plastic bags.
  • Reusability – unlike plastic bags, calico ones are 100% reusable. That means stores will avoid the wastage brought about by plastic bags whenever they opt to use a calico bag in its stead. An investment of one to a maximum of four calico bags of differing sizes will help to do away with retail stores reliance on plastic to the barest minimum. Calico bags are not at all difficult to carry around conveniently, and these can be made to look stylish and coincide with a store’s brand.
  • Biodegradability – eventually, no matter how long-lasting calico bags are, they will eventually wear down. Thankfully, unlike plastics, calico bags are 100% biodegradable and won’t harm the environment.

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