Special Occasion Souvenir Ideas Using Hessian Fabric

May 29, 2018

Hessian fabric is highly versatile for many types of projects and uses today. Some of you may know it better as burlap fabric. It is made by weaving fibres of the jute plant together into a durable natural fabric. While you may already know that this fabric is ideal for bags and furniture uses, you may not be aware that you also can use it in special occasion souvenir ideas as well. We provide you with some suggestions below to illustrate our point.

Wine Bags

You can take lengths of Hessian or burlap fabric and stitch up the sides to make sacks for the bottles of wine that you are giving to your guests or close friends. Add a stenciled message or graphic on it since this fabric is easy to paint or print on to enhance it in the ideal manner.

Christmas Ornaments and Party Favours

Other ideas for special occasion Hessian fabric souvenirs are Christmas ornaments and party favours. Cut stars out of this fabric, stiffen them with starch and decorate them with glitter for just one suggestion for ornaments. One cute party favour idea is to cut squares of burlap fill them with birdseed and tie them in such a way that they look like reindeers with antlers. Glue two wiggling eyes and a small red pom-pom on for a nose. These are bags of reindeer food are perfect for the children to take home from their Christmas party.


When offering special occasion souvenirs of Hessian fabric to a group of women, make little sacks out of this fabric and add a drawstring to close them. Before closing them, though, add some potpourri to them to turn them into sachets. Sachets are effective in freshening up drawers and closets to rid them of their musty smell.

Tote Bags

Hessian fabric tote bags are another great souvenir idea. Either buy them premade or make them yourself. Be sure to add a durable handle on these bags if you DIY them. You also can paint or print a design or message on them if you so desire.

Gift Baskets

Recycle shoe boxes into gift baskets by covering them with Hessian or burlap cloth. Include products or other items in them to give out to customers, clients, guests or friends, whichever is applicable.

owinsacks is your source for quality Hessian fabrics and sacks that are useful for many projects and/or products including ones connected to the construction, engineering, upholstery and agricultural industries along with personal and promotional uses. Our Hessian cloth even comes in an assortment of fashionable colours for your consideration.

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